教会礼仪 Ceremonies

礼仪准则 Ceremonial Guidelines

Sembawang Baptist Church request that candidates fulfil the following requirements before the ceremonies are conducted.


浸礼是一个信徒公开承认接受耶稣基督为他/她个人的救主及生命的主。重生得救后领受全身入水之 浸礼,表示其与基督同死、同葬、同复活。在森浸受浸的信徒,将加入教会会籍。
Baptism is a public confession by a believer to accept Jesus Christ as his/her Savior and Lord, and shall then be baptised by full immersion in water to symbolize that he/she has died, been buried and resurrected together with Christ. Candidates who are baptised in SBC becomes a member.

  • 有意受浸者须先完成由森浸举办的浸礼课程,才能报名参加浸礼。
    Interested candidates are required to attend the baptism classes conducted by SBC before they can register for baptism.
  • 有意受浸者须在森浸固定聚会至少 6 个月。
    Interested candidates must have been attending SBC worship services regularly for at least 6 months.
  • 其他关乎受浸加入教会会籍的事项,请参阅森浸的教会章程。
    For other details relating to church membership, please refer to the SBC Church Constitution.


婚礼是荣耀上帝的敬拜,也是神匹配一男一女成为一体的神圣庆典。这是一对男女在上帝与众人面 前向彼此许下一生的承诺。
A wedding is a worship service to glorify God, and also a spiritual celebration when God joins one man and one woman sacredly, making them one. This is a public declaration of a life-time promise of commitment by the couple before God and the church.

  • 男女双方都必须是基督徒,并且至少一方是森浸会友。
    The couple must both be Christians and at least one person must be a member of SBC.
  • 男女双方必须参加由教会主办或由主任牧师认可的婚前预备课程, 并在婚礼的 6 个月前完成课程。
    The couple must attend the Marriage Preparation Course conducted by the church at least 6 months
    prior to the wedding. Courses conducted outside of the church is acceptable upon approval by the
    Senior Pastor.
  • 除非在特别情况下,教会不鼓励男女双方在教会婚礼之前公证结婚。
    The couple is discouraged from holding their civil solemnisations before the church wedding unless due to special circumstances.
  • 男女双方若已同居或有过婚前性行为,教会将不会为男女双方举行婚礼。除非男女双方公开在牧 者与执事团面前认罪悔改,并停止同居或婚前性行为,教会可酌情处理。
    The church will not conduct a wedding ceremony for a couple who is cohabitating or has engaged in premarital sex. If the couple has publicly confess before the Pastoral Team and Deacon Board and have ceased the acts, the church may consider conducting the wedding ceremony.
  • 若有一方是再婚者,婚礼必须获得森浸牧者与执事团的同意,并且符合再婚的圣经根据。
    For marriages involving a remarriage, the wedding will be approved by SBC pastors and deacons when Biblical grounds for remarriage are met.

献婴礼・Child Dedication

A Child Dedication is a public declaration by the parents before God and the church, indicating their desire to lead and spiritually nurture their child with Biblical principles. It is a dedication of their child to God to allow Him the sovereignty over the child.

  • 父母都必须是基督徒,并且至少一方是森浸会友。
    Both parents must be Christians and at least one person must be a member of SBC
  • 父母必须同时出席献婴礼。
    Both parents are required to be present during the child dedication service.
  • 献婴礼不拘年龄,但一般上父母会在孩子出生后的一年内进行献婴礼。
    There is no set age for a child to be dedicated, although typically parents dedicate their child within the first year of their life.
  • 其他关乎献婴礼的事项,请参阅森浸的献婴礼程序。
    For other details relating to the Child Dedication Service, please refer to the SBC Child Dedication Procedures.


A funeral is a memorial ceremony for family and friends to remember the life of the deceased, it is also a time whereby comfort and support can be given to the bereaved family. The funeral consist of the memorial service and the burial/cremation service, and the purpose is also to allow attendees to understand and reflect on the real meaning of life and death.

  • 逝世者必须是森浸会友,或是曾在森浸固定聚会的信徒。
    The deceased must be a member of SBC, or have attended SBC worship services regularly.
  • 森浸将为丧家主领一至两个晚上的追思礼拜及出殡礼。
    SBC will conduct 1 to 2 nights of memorial service and the cremetion/burial service for the bereaved family.
  • 若丧家要求额外的追思礼拜,可自行联系其他牧者或堂会代为安排。
    Should the bereaved family request for additional nights of memorial service, the family may approach other pastors or churches to conduct the service.
  • 森浸会友若有逝世的直系亲属(父母、配偶或孩子),并有意邀请教会代为办理丧事,森浸可酌 情处理。
    Upon request, SBC may consider assisting a church member who has lost his/her immediate family member (parents, spouse or child) to conduct the funeral services.

Published: 2019-08-03